La bele frustasaun ho sira nia ukun, orsida bele kona tensaun no estruk, di'ak liu hakerek leitura ho ideias ka konseitu kritiku ba mudansa absoluta iha sistema no sira nia ukun. Hakerek de'it mós la to'o atu halo mudansa absoluta, presiza konbinasaun ho asaun, asaun luta ne'ebé akumula ba moris justu ema hotu nian.
Konseitu ka ideias kritiku hakerek husi Karl Max no Hegel, hakerek bazeia ba realidade ne'ebé akontese iha sosiedade. Sira nia konseitu kritiku ne'e kontra sistema kapitalizmu ne'ebé hamosu Klase (klase alta, kalse mediu no klase baixu), nune'e hamosu moris ida ne'ebé la justu ba rikusoin komún (materiál) to'o hamosu ema balu sai atan eh balu sai liurai.
Husi konseitu ne'ebé sira hakerek iha tinan hira liu ba, mais to'o ohin loron konsege inspira ema lubuk wain atu luta ba kontradisaun. Kontradisaun iha ideias no sistema ida ne'ebé la fó valór no dignidade umanu/a nian atu moris iguál, nu'udar umanu/a ne'ebé iha interasaun ba malu.
Tanba ne'e, otas nurak sira tenke harii sosiedade foun ida ne'ebé moris justu, iguál husi sistema a'at sira mak tenke hatur no mobiliza ideias no asaun, Maibé buat hotu fila fali ba vontade Popular ema hotu nian hodi hateke likus injustisa ne'ebé akontese tanba nia kauza husi sistema ida, nune'e la bele fó oportunidade ba ukun nain sira livre prátika injustisa tuir dalan legalidade.
Ita otas nurak iha era indepedénsia mai ho hanoin rasasino, kritiku no fó alternativu balu, nune'e hateke likus lakunas no injustisa ne'ebé kesi metin ema hotu atu la bele hetan valór no dignidade ba moris ida loloos. Ho hanoin rasasino no kritiku bele konsensializa ema hotu ho vontade popular no asaun popular hodi luta halo mudansa ba sistema a'at sira, espera sei iha mudansa radikal maske neneik importante tenke beibeik no kontinua.
Ema moris husi domin🌹🌹 no objetivu loloos moris mak domin🌹🌹 tanba ne'e ema iha valór no dignidade hanesan la iha diskriminasaun, explorasaun no intimidasaun husi materiál. Revolusaun ne'e hatudu loloos domin ba ema kbi'it la'ek sira, ne'ebé hasoru situasaun reál husi sistema a'at ne'ebé halo intimidasaun no explorasaun ba ema kbi'it la'ek sira.
Saudasoens ema sira ne'ebé iha liña ida, hamotuk ho povu🌹🌹
Manapa, Cailaco 10/06/2020
A message for those fighting in a line, along with the people.
Don't frustration with their power, later can infect on tension, it would be better to write a reading of the idea or a critical concept of an absolute change in the system and their power. It is also not only written that an absolute change requires a combination of action, an accumulated struggle action to a fair life of all people.
The concept or critical ideas are written by caring Karl Max and Hegel, based on reality that occur in society. Their critical concepts contradict the capitalism system that generates classes (high classes, average calse and low classes), thus creating a non-judicial life for common wealth (material) until some people are enslaveed or some become king.
From the concepts they wrote in the past few years, even though to date many people have been inspired to fight for contradictions. Contradictions have ideas and a system that does not value and human dignity for equal lives, as human interaction with each other.
Therefore, young people must build a new society that is fair, equal from bad systems that should be put and mobilised ideals and actions, but all things return to the Popular will of all people to look at the injustice caused by this System, so that it does not provide opportunities to governors freely practices injustice.
The young people in the indeped which is critically rational and provides some alternatives, thus looks at Social problems and injustice that tire everyone in order to not achieve values and dignity for a real life. Critical thinking can compelt all people with Popular will and Popular Action to fight Change in the systems, and hopes to have radical Change even though it is slowly important to continue.
A person live from love and the purpose of life is to be a love and that is why people have the Same value and dignity as non-discrimination, non-exploitation and non-intimidation of materials. The revolution actually shows love for the poor, facing the real situation of the ill-treatment system that intimidates and exploitation of the poor.
Greetings of people on a line, along with the rible people🌹🌹
Manapa, Cailaco 10/06/2020
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